Real Estate Cold Calling Services (NOT INDEXED)


Cold calling – do you hate it?

As a brand new real estate professional, you dreamed of working with homeowners and homebuyers, showing homes, open houses, and making dreams come true. Most people don’t work cold calling into the equation, and many hate that aspect of the entire process. Are you one of those people, or have you wondered why you could thrive on one aspect of your career and utterly loathe the other? 

It is no secret that cold calling is the most challenging part of any sales process, and it can also be the most discouraging. It is calling prospects out of the blue with results of disinterest and indifference. It can create incredible results, but it takes an astonishing tenacity to drive through the negatives to find those qualified leads for you to meet in person. Believe it or not, those same driven real estate cold calling professionals may be terrified about face-to-face interaction, unlike you holding those opportunities in favor. That makes a cold calling professional your perfect partner.

Both disciplines of real estate cold calling and the actual face time are essential parts of your sales process; however, they involve different skills and practices. This is precisely what explains your split of preference and even your performance of one excelling over the other. Lucky for you, Call Motivated Sellers also offers real estate cold calling services.

Don’t ignore cold calling just because you hate it

Some may tell you that marketing has shifted to online and social marketing. While it’s true that marketing has grown to online and social media, it doesn’t lessen the effect that talking to a real person gets over a snappy meme.

Independent agents and smaller agencies may not have those substantial online marketing budgets for flashy ads to get that farther reach over the competition. If you are just starting in your business, you are probably operating more leanly, as well. Don’t any of this discourage you, especially when you still have real estate cold calling as a means to generate new leads that will bring you new customers?

Never lose sight of the fact that sales are about building trust, especially in real estate. The best way to start that trusting relationship is to be as authentic as possible. Having an actual conversation over the phone is about as authentic as you can get. A good conversation will take you leaps and bounds over anything online. The real estate cold calling professionals at Call Motivated Sellers are the first start of your relationships with new customers and building your brand as one of integrity.

Let's start a partnership

When you do business with Call Motivated Sellers for your real estate cold calling, you are more than a random call sheet to a group that switches hats daily. Instead, you are provided with a dedicated real estate cold calling professional that focuses on nothing else besides bringing you qualified contacts to you.

Describe your ideal customer

You provide your cold calling professional with a detailed description of what a qualified contact looks like for your campaign, also called your customer persona. Be as specific as possible with your description to help us craft together the perfect script and talking points for you. Things to provide us are:

  • What is their price range?
  • What is their income?
  • Will they be buying or selling?
  • What is their stage of life (new family, retirees, etc.)?
  • What else can you think of to mention?

Need some help? Just ask us, and we’ll share what else might be helpful.

Time to get started

Your dedicated real estate cold caller from Call Motivated Sellers will take your details and craft together a script of talking points intended first to qualify your contacts. Once qualified, we proceed with the next step by introducing you and your intention. Our goal is to get them thinking before you prepare to take them forward with the next step, especially if they weren’t ready for a proposal out of the blue, such as if you are looking for sellers in a demographic that wasn’t actively selling or considering it yet. That call from your cold calling professional got them thinking of the idea that they hadn’t even considered before. Your dedicated real estate cold caller can plant that first seed for you.

You focus on those who are motivated

Imagine that cold calling weight off of your shoulders and maintaining this method of prospecting. It’s like the best of both worlds with your real estate cold calling professional partner from Call Motivated Sellers. You can concentrate your focus on what you do best, which is interacting with your customers in person. You find more time to meet with more clients, more open houses, and more showings. Your end result is more closings and more profit for you!

Back to that partnership with Call Motivated Sellers

To get your dedicated real estate cold calling professional, you need only to contact us at Call Motivated Sellers to get started. We take care of the details for you. We identify or seek our and hire a dedicated cold calling professional for your agency.  We train your new cold calling professionals so that when you meet, they are prepared and ready to jump in and get started. Our goal is to keep you out in the field and closing deals. We even take care of payroll and all human resources details for you. It can’t be much easier than contacting us at Call Motivated Sellers. 

The biggest challenge you’re about to encounter is keeping up with the qualified contacts they seek out for you to work with. Before you know it, you may need more agents to keep up with the leads that your cold calling professional finds for you. Do you see that as a good burden to bear? Let’s get started today!