
5 Reasons to Start Flipping Houses

If you’ve ever had the pleasure of watching HGTV, you may be familiar with house flipping. Essentially, house flipping is a real estate investment method in which investors purchase

Is It a Good Time to Sell a House? — Persuading Sellers to Close the Deal

In the real estate industry, sellers typically have better luck when the flowers begin to bloom. During the springtime, prospective buyers are getting their tax refunds, and it’s much

Is Wholesale Real Estate a Saturated Market?

For aspiring investors, wholesaling can be the ideal way to start investing, especially if you have limited access to capital. However, some investors are concerned about the housing market’s

What Is Virtual Wholesaling?

Both experienced and beginner investors understand the value real estate has to offer. Unlike other business opportunities, there are many different ways to get involved in the real estate

3 Challenges of Wholesaling Houses — And How to Beat Them

If you’re an up-and-coming real estate investor, you may be familiar with the concept of wholesaling real estate. Compared to other methods, wholesaling houses is considered one of the

Is Real Estate a Good Investment?

Most people fantasize about achieving financial freedom and believe that investing in real estate is their ticket out of the rat race. But the truth is, every investment opportunity

How to Find Wholesale Deals in a Competitive Housing Market

Even in a competitive housing market, wholesale deals have proven to be one of the most profitable options for up-and-coming real estate investors. Essentially, wholesaling real estate involves getting

Make the Most of the Buying Season with Real Estate Wholesaling

Looking for a way to leverage real estate for enhanced cash flow without the risk of owning a property? Real estate wholesaling is the answer. Essentially, wholesaling is a

Is Wholesaling Homes Still Profitable in 2022?

As the wholesaling market becomes more saturated, competition and networking are heating up and making the hunt for buyers and sellers more challenging. With so many entrepreneurs trying to

How to Conquer Competition in Real Estate Wholesaling

Many people pick up real estate wholesaling as a side stream of revenue, especially since it has a lower cost of entry than other types of real estate investing.